Flood Relief Services 2022

Pakistan Human Development Foundation’s (PHDF) commitment to flood relief reflects its broader goal of enhancing human development by addressing the immediate needs of those affected by natural disasters while also building sustainable solutions for long-term recovery. PHDF has been actively involved in flood relief efforts to support communities affected by floods in 2022 in Fazilpur and Taunsa located in Southern Punjab. These relief efforts typically focused on providing assistance during flood relief efforts, particularly in the distribution of food, non-food items, and medical aid to flood-affected communities. Below is an overview of the efforts during floods 2022:

Provision of Food and Essentials and Health Services:

The provision of food is one of the immediate priorities during flood relief efforts to ensure that displaced families and individuals have access to basic sustenance. PHDF’s food distribution efforts typically include:

  • PHDF supplied dry ration packs, clean drinking water, and essential supplies like hygiene kits, and clothing to affected and displaced families who were residing in the temporary relief camps. PHDF collaborated with local partners to ensure a streamlined supply chain and effective distribution of these resources. These packs generally include staple foods like rice, flour, lentils, cooking oil, sugar, salt, and tea, enough to sustain a family for several days to weeks.
  • In many flood relief camps, PHDF arranged the provision of cooked meals for displaced individuals. This is crucial in the immediate aftermath of floods when cooking facilities may not be available.
  • Mobile medical units were deployed to flood-hit areas to offer first aid, medical supplies, and treatment to ill individuals.

PHDF relies on donations from individuals, corporate entities, and international donors to fund their flood relief programs. They run campaigns to raise awareness and funds for affected communities, ensuring that assistance is provided to the most vulnerable.

PHDF’s comprehensive flood relief efforts focus on both immediate and long-term needs of affected communities. Their distribution of food items, non-food items, and medical aid is designed to not only provide relief but also to support recovery and ensure that vulnerable populations have access to essentials like food, shelter, and healthcare. Through these interventions, PHDF helps communities recover faster and reduce the risk of disease outbreaks and malnutrition during crises.